Litespeed web server cpanel
Litespeed web server cpanel

  1. Litespeed web server cpanel update#
  2. Litespeed web server cpanel verification#
  3. Litespeed web server cpanel code#

BUGFIX Improve auto index script to avoid calling function ini_set().BUGFIX Add more validation checks to avoid accidentally killing system process when stopping detached external application processes.BUGFIX Address a rare multi-threaded mod_security engine race condition.BUGFIX Address random crashes in mod_security engine.BUGFIX Address broken vhost level mod_security configuration.BUGFIX Address broken alt-python application caused by the new way virtualenv was built.TUNING Adjust internal shell scripts for better ubuntu compatibility.

Litespeed web server cpanel update#

  • TUNING Do not enable cPanel HTTP server monitoring in update script.
  • TUNING Enable suEXEC for PHP 8.1 by default.
  • htaccess for early stage internal errors.
  • IMPROVEMENT Support following ErrorDocument customizations in.
  • IMPROVEMENT Add pagination for long auto indexed pages.
  • IMPROVEMENT Better stale cache purge handling.
  • IMPROVEMENT Add server level control to return 404 or 403 when directory auto-index is disabled.
  • SECURITY Add more strict virtual host name validation in WebAdmin to address a potential XSS vulnerability.
  • SECURITY Address a few crashes and memory leaks in HTTP/3 implementation.
  • LSWS 6.0.12 Stable (05-12-2022) Securities, Improvements, Tunings & Bugfixes
  • BUGFIX Fix domain limited licensing for Plesk servers.
  • BUGFIX Fix connection timeout false-positives for active HTTP3 connections.
  • BUGFIX Set "HOME" environment for CGI/External apps when possible.
  • IMPROVEMENT Improve WebAdmin Console realtime stats with a new JavaScript library.
  • IMPROVEMENT Detect update failures in
  • IMPROVEMENT Escape multiline STDERR messages.
  • IMPROVEMENT Add Apache style configurations "LogKeepDays" and "LogCompressArchive".
  • IMPROVEMENT Enhance 'disableCgiOverride' to cover options +ExecCGI and +Include.
  • IMPROVEMENT Add "DisableForwardedIpBan" Apache style configuration directive to avoid blocking IPs forwarded by front-end proxies.
  • IMPROVEMENT Configurable reCAPTCHA timeout.
  • IMPROVEMENT Add conditional access logging using Expression.
  • IMPROVEMENT Make SSI environment available to included CGIs/scripts.
  • NEW FEATURE Trigger reCAPTCHA through mod_security engine via an environment variable.
  • NEW FEATURE Apply OOMScoreAdjust for lsws service to avoid being OOM killed.
  • Litespeed web server cpanel code#

  • NEW FEATURE Add custom response status code support.
  • NEW FEATURE Add PROXY protocol support.
  • LSWS 6.1 (01-09-2023) New Features, Improvements, Tuning & Bugfixes
  • BUGFIX Address an issue with Plesk watchdog monitoring httpd service.
  • BUGFIX Address an issue switching apache/lsws systemd unit file for Plesk.
  • BUGFIX Fix broken sub-directory password protection configuration for Plesk WordPress toolkit.
  • Litespeed web server cpanel verification#

    BUGFIX Fix SecRemoteRules certificate verification failure.BUGFIX Address a python application upload hang issue.BUGFIX Address a python application frequent restart issue.BUGFIX Address duplicate unique ID field in mod_security audit log.

    litespeed web server cpanel

    BUGFIX Address broken "RewriteOption inherit" corner case.BUGFIX Avoid blocking on socket read for internal fetcher.IMPROVEMENT Add support for "Require local" configuration directive.IMPROVEMENT Update WebAdmin Console login to use BCRYPT password hash.IMPROVEMENT Add support for unix domain socket for redis dynamic vhost.NEW FEATURE Add a vhost level AllowBlockedUrl option to allow blocked URL passthrough.

    litespeed web server cpanel

    NEW FEATURE Add SSL strict SNI mode option to fail SSL connections when there is no vhost level SSL certificate.LSWS 6.1.1 (04-12-2023) New Features, Improvements & Bugfixes

    Litespeed web server cpanel